b"EXPLANATION OF FUNDS DONOR ADVISED FUND OF THEDALLAS JEWISH COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (DJCF)Established a donor advised fund, endowment fund or fund of theDallas Jewish Community Foundation. If you would like more information, contact the professionals at the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation at 214-615-9351 or info@djcf.org.LION OF JUDAH ENDOWMENT (LOJE)Lion of Judah Endowment is a designation for any woman who establishes a legacy to endow her Lion of Judah gift by creating an endowment of at least $100,000, generating a minimum of $5,000 annually for the Federation's Community Campaign in her name. To find out more, please contact Julie Judson, Director of Women's Philanthropy, at jjudson@jewishdallas.org or 214-615-5259.PERPETUAL ANNUAL CAMPAIGN ENDOWMENT (PACE)PACE is an opportunity to continue a donors commitment to theCommunity Campaign in perpetuity. It is a permanent, restricted endowment fund that perpetuates a Federation donors Unrestricted Annual Campaign gift. The most common funding choices are will bequests and insurance policies. PACE benefits the Community Campaign by providing growth of total dollars raised and is insurance against the uncertainty of support by future generations. PACE recognizes donors who have endowed gifts including Pomegranate level donors. To find out more, please contact Lance Yeaman, Campaign Director, at lyeaman@jewishdallas.org or call 214-615-5225.SYMBOL KEYLionofJudahEndowmentFundofDallasJewishCommunityFoundationOf Blessed Memory LionofJudahGivingSociety Men'sPerpetualAnnualCampaignEndowment Please refer to pages 8, 15 and 29 for explanations ofShofarGivingSociety Women'sPerpetualAnnualCampaignEndowment funds and giving societies29"